Traffic Alert
Putnam County, WV
Status: Alert Ended
Start: 9/28/23 4:04 AM
End: 9/28/23 6:36 AM
Dur: 02:32
Canceled 9/28/23 6:36 AM

Coastal Flood Advisory issued September 28 at 4:04AM EDT until September 29 at 1:00AM EDT by NWS Wakefield VA
* WHAT...Up to one foot of inundation above ground level in low- lying areas near shorelines and tidal waterways.
* WHERE...Coastal portions of the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, and Suffolk.
* WHEN...Until 1 AM EDT Friday.
* IMPACTS...Shallow flooding is expected in the most vulnerable locations near the waterfront and shoreline resulting in a low threat of property damage. Expect up to one foot of water above ground level in low lying, vulnerable areas. Some roads and low lying property including parking lots, parks and lawns near the waterfront will experience shallow flooding.

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