Weather Alert
Burke County, NC
Status: Alert Ended
Start: 12/15/24 11:47 AM
End: 12/15/24 12:00 PM
Dur: 00:13
Canceled 12/15/24 12:00 PM

Winter Weather Advisory issued December 15 at 11:47AM EST until December 15 at 12:00PM EST by NWS Greenville-Spartanburg SC
Temperatures have warmed above freezing across most of the Advisory area late this morning, ending the threat for freezing rain across most of the northern mountains and foothills of North Carolina.
There will be a few spots in Avery County where the temperature will hover right around 32 degrees for the next hour, so some minor accumulation of glaze could still happen on tree branches and power lines, but the temperatures should climb above 32 degrees across all of Avery County by 1 pm or so.

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